Shop FAQs
Here are frequently asked questions for shop.


Here are some frequently asked questions about shop


Here are details about faqs

  • Seller Login/Sign up

    The seller/vendor needs to sign up on the store or log in to access the account.

    The seller will be provided a URL from the admin, which you can use to signup/login. Or sellers can do it from the link on the admin Shopify store.

    This the signup/login page for the seller.

    Seller Guide

    To start adding products to the store, the seller needs to register/log in.

  • Seller Dashboard

    This is the view of the seller dashboard once the seller has successfully logged in.

    Seller Guide Dashboard

    The seller can have an idea of the products, orders, commission (admin share in the order), etc by just looking at the dashboard.

  • Configuration

    The Seller can manage the invoice and all the other configuration (if enabled from the admin).

    Here is the screenshot of the invoice configuration that will be sent from the seller to the customer.

    Seller Guide Invoice

    This way seller can manage the invoice.

  • Products

    Under this menu- products >> product listing, all the product-related information will be there and the product can be edited, viewed and deleted from here :

    Seller Products

    Further, from the “bulk edit” option in the above screenshot, the seller can bulk edit the products and can add the products via CSV file to the app

    This is the “add product” form :

    Add Products

    This way you can add the product.

    In case you have selected “digital product” to be added then the form will differ as you have to upload the file and also specify the number of allowed downloads and the expiry days (if any)

    This way a new product is added.

    We have another menu here: Products > Smart Collections: A list of all the automated/smart collections made at Shopify end.

    Smart Collection • Multivendor MarketPlace
  • Orders

    A seller can view and can manage all the order from the “orders” menu under order listing :

    track order

    The order listing page will list all the orders placed for the seller and the seller can fulfill the order by viewing the order from the order view page.

    Moreover, from the order view, the seller can enter the tracking number for the order and can also print the invoice for that particular order.

    edit tracking

    Under the order menu, the submenu “payment received”, this section shows the payment due and the total payment received by the seller.

    Orders > Payment Received: A list of all the payments received by the seller with payment status:

    Payment Receive Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace

    Orders > Commission Listing: A list of all the admin commissions on his orders:

    Commissions Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace
  • Profile

    Sellers can manage their accounts from the “my account” submenu under the Profile menu. With my account page, the seller profile page pic, banner image, and all the personal information can be managed :

    seller my account

    Under the “Payment Details” submenu, a seller can add the details of the payment mode by which he wishes to receive his earning from the store owner:

    payment detail

    The feedback submenu will show all the feedback received by the seller from the customer from the seller profile page.

    Feedback Seller • Multivendor MarketPlace